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E-filing Software Exclusively Designed for Aggregate Filers

Offers simplified tax filing solution for aggregate filers

Small & Medium Business

Certified Professional Employer Organization (CPEO)

File aggregate returns for clients who have authorized you using Form 8973

How to E-File Schedule R (Form 940) with TaxBandits?

Choose Tax Year & Quarter

Choose the tax year and quarter for which you need to file your Aggregate Form 940 and Schedule R return. TaxBandits supports filing for prior tax years.

Enter State Tax Withheld Details

Enter the required information in Form 940 and choose the type of filer type, either Section 3504 agent or CPEO.

Review your Form 1099-B / 1096

Fill in the details for each client. You either manually input the data or export the data using Excel templates.

Transmit your Form 1099-INT to the IRS

Review the Aggregate Form 940 and Schedule R information. If the values are not matched, you can edit the Aggregate Form 940 details or the Schedule R details.

Recipient Copy (Online/Postal)

You can choose your preferred payment method, such as EFW, EFTPS, Credit Card, Check, or money order. TaxBandits now offers an EFTPS Online Payments solution.

Recipient Copy (Online/Postal)

Review the completed form and make changes if needed. TaxBandits will auto-audit your information based on IRS business rules.

Recipient Copy (Online/Postal)

After completing and reviewing the form, transmit the form to the IRS.

TaxBandits for Every Business

Are you ready to file your Form 940 Schedule R?

Get Started with TaxBandits today & simplify your client’s employment tax filing.

Next-Gen Features to Simplify and Automate Your Aggregate Tax Filing

Get Your E-Filing Simpler with Our Intuitive Features

Manage Your Clients Filing Efficiently with TaxBandits

Invite Your Team Members to Manage Your Client’s Filing

Invite your team members

  • Invite unlimited team members to manage the workflow and complete tax filing with ease.

Assign specific roles

  • Assign specific roles (Preparer, Approver, & Transmitter) for each team member, granting them appropriate access levels.

Activity management

  • Monitor your team’s activity and track the workflow using our activity log feature.
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Automate Your Clients’ Filings with Our Developer-Friendly API Integration

  • Sign up for a free SandBox developer account.
  • Integrate our 940 API to your existing application.
  • Easy integration with clear documentation.
  • A secure sandbox environment for testing.
  • Access to open SDK Libraries.
  • Learn More

What Information is Required to File Schedule R (Form 940) Online?

TaxBandits for Every Business IRS Form 940 Schedule R for 2024

You must have the following information before filing Schedule R (Form 940):

  • 1. Business Information of CPEO / Section 3504 Agent (Home care service recipients approved by the IRS)
  • 2. Employment details of the aggregate filers and their clients:
    • Total number of employees
    • Total taxable FUTA wages
    • Total adjustments for state exclusions (if applicable)
    • Total credit reduction amount
    • Total FUTA tax after adjustments
    • Total FUTA tax deposits

Start e-filing your Form 940 Schedule R and get instant status updates with TaxBandits

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Schedule R (Form 940)?

CPEOs and agents of home care service recipients approved by the IRS under section 3504 are required to attach Schedule R (Form 940) to Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return. Schedule R simplifies the aggregate reporting process by allocating aggregate wages, taxes, credits, deposits, and payment amounts to be reported on Form 940.

CPEOs can file the returns listed on Form 8973, and are generally required by the IRS to file their Schedule R electronically. Section 3504 Agents can file the returns listed on their Form 2678 appointment. Aggregate filers can use their own EIN to file a single Form 940 for all of their clients via Schedule R, along with those clients’ respective FUTA wage and tax liability information.

Apart from CPEOs, Aggregate Form 940s for home care service recipients are filed by agents (approved by the IRS under section 3504 through Form 2678, unless you are a state or local government agency acting as agent).

What is the deadline for 2023 Form 940 Schedule R?

The deadline for filing Form 940 Schedule R for 2023 is January 31, 2024.

TaxBandits for Every Business

If you fully deposited all your FUTA tax when it was due you have until February 10, 2024 to file Form 940.

What are the penalties for failing to file Schedule R (Form 940)?

Generally, the CPEO is solely responsible for paying the client's employment taxes, filing returns, and making deposits and payments for the reported taxes. IRC Section 3504 Agents and their clients are both responsible for paying their employment taxes, filing returns, making deposits and payments for the reported taxes.

Late-deposit penalty amounts are determined using calendar days, starting from the due date of the liability.

File Your Tax Return On Time! Avoid Your Penalties!

File Form 940 Schedule R Electronically with TaxBandits

  • Quick & Secure Processing
  • Instant Status Updates from the IRS
  • Bulk Upload using Excel Templates
  • Sign using 8453-EMP or
    Online PIN

TaxBandits for Every Business

Success Starts with TaxBandits

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