Updated on November 23, 2024 - 10:00 AM Charles Hardy, TaxBanditss
Employers must file Form 940 Amendment with the Internal Revenue Service. If you are a business owner who submitted your Form 940 incorrectly or with an error, you must file a Form 940 Amendment to correct the error. Here is a helpful guide to help you get started!
Form 940 Amendment is an IRS tax form used to correct mistakes in previously submitted FUTA tax returns (Federal Unemployment Tax). You must file corrections if you submit Form 940 with errors or incorrect information. To amend errors on your original Form 940 submission for 2021, you should use the 2021 Form 940 Amendment.
Who needs to file Form 940 Amendment?
Employers must file Form 940 Amendment if they need to make changes to their previously reported FUTA tax (Federal Unemployment Tax). You must file a correction form if your Form 940 has errors or incorrect information.
You will need your basic business information on hand to get started with the Form 940 Amendment. This includes the business name, legal address, and Employer Identification Number (EIN). You'll also need to calculate your employer's part of FUTA taxes and the total payments given to all employees. You must also have access to information about your FUTA liabilities deposits.
When is the deadline to file Form 940 Amended?
The Form 940 Amendment does not have a specific due date. However, you must file the Form 940 Amendment within three years after the previous Form 940's filing date.
What are the Form 940 Amendment Filing Methods
The IRS recommends that you file your Form 940 Amendment on paper because you cannot file it electronically. You can use TaxBandits to add Form 940 Amendment details, see the summary form, download and sign the form, and finally send the completed form to the IRS.
When mailing a paper copy of your Form 940 Amendment to the IRS, make sure you have the correct address. The state in which your business is located will determine the IRS mailing address.
Download the Corrected Form 940 With TaxBandits
Form 940 Amendment should be filed on paper. You may quickly amend a previously submitted Form 940 with TaxBandits. The top right corner of Form 940 Amendment has the check box "Amended" selected by default. You can easily download the Form 940 Amendment form with TaxBandits in minutes and send it to the IRS.
Step 1:Enter the Form 940 Amendment details
Step 2:Review the Summary form
Step 3:Download, sign, and send the completed form to the IRS
Get started with TaxBandits today for simple and secure Form 940 Amendment solutions!