What are Payroll Deductions

| Updated on May 09, 2024

Written by Stephanie Glanville

Stephanie Glanville is the Marketing Manager of TaxBandits. She has several years of experience with IRS tax forms and the funtionality of TaxBandits. With a passion to help business owners better understand their IRS tax forms and filing, she aims to create content that is valuable and informative.

Deductions are one of the crucial aspects of the payroll process. Without deductions, no paychecks are generated for the employee. Deductions create a great impact on payroll calculations. Employers must have a clear idea about the deductions and their types to have a smooth payroll process.

Let's explore the payroll deductions

Key Takeways:

  • Payroll deductions refer to the sum of the amount detected from the employee's wages.
  • Understanding the difference between Pre-tax and Post-tax.
  • Deductions are classified into two major types: voluntary deductions and involuntary deductions.
  • Voluntary deductions are deducted based on individual interests such as health insurance, dental insurance, etc.
  • Involuntary deductions are deducted from the employee's salary based on federal and state taxes such as FICA, Federal income, State income, etc.

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