Rhode Island Form W-2 & RI-W3 Filing Requirements for 2024

Rhode Island requires certain businesses to file reconciliation Form RI-W3 with W-2s.

Check out the requirements and simplify your filing with TaxBandits!

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Simplify Your Rhode Island W-2 E-Filing
with TaxBandits!

  • W-2 E-filing with the SSA and state
  • Distribute Employee copies via Postal
    Mail and
    Online Access
  • Retransmit rejected returns at no
    extra cost
alabama state map

Rhode Island W-2 Filing Criteria for 2024

The State of Rhode Island mandates W-2 filing regardless of state tax withheld.

Criteria Filing Requirement Additional Requirement Due Date

If there is any Rhode Island state tax withheld

You must file a W-2 directly with
the state

E-file with TaxBandits

Form RI-W3

Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements

January 31, 2025

If there is no Rhode Island State Tax Withholding

You must file a W-2 directly with
the state

E-file with TaxBandits

No additional form required

January 31, 2025

Ready to E-file W-2 Form with the Rhode Island State?

Information Required to File W-2 Forms with Rhode Island

Information Required to File W-2 Forms

1. Employer’s state ID number

The employer's state identification number refers to the Rhode Island Withholding Tax Account Number.

Rhode Island State ID Format: 9 digits - (2 digits and hyphen followed by 7 digits. Eg: 99-9999999)

2. Rhode Island state/local wages

The total amount of taxable wages, tips, that is subject to Rhode Island state income tax.

3. Rhode Island state/local tax withheld

The total amount of state income taxes withheld from the employee’s wages.

TaxBandits for Every Business

If you’ve withheld any Rhode Island taxes, you must file Reconciliation Form RI-W3.

E-file Form W-2 with Rhode Island state in minutes using TaxBandits!

Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements - Form RI-W3

Form RI-W3 is an Annual Reconciliation used to report the total income taxes withheld from employees and taxes remitted to the state. It's also used to claim an overpayment refund or pay if the taxes are underpaid.

Information Reported on RI-W3:

  • Monthly Rhode Island income tax withheld (or quarterly amounts if applicable)
  • Actual Rhode Island withholding tax remitted, including credits from prior years
  • Total Rhode Island income tax withheld on W-2s (or 1099s)
  • Overpayment or underpayment based on a comparison between Block 1
    and Block 2
Alabama Annual Reconciliation Form A-3

If you choose TaxBandits for your Rhode Island W-2 filing, you need to take care of your reconciliation form.

TaxBandits – Simplifying Rhode Island State W-2 Compliance

TaxBandits supports the e-filing of W-2 forms directly with the Rhode Island Department of Revenue, ensuring compliance with state regulations.

Lowest PricingLowest Pricing

TaxBandits offers the most affordable solution for Rhode Island W-2 filings, saving you both time and money.

State Filing GuidanceState Filing Guidance

TaxBandits provides step-by-step instructions to complete the e-filing process from start to end without any hurdles.

State Form PDFsState Form PDFs

Easily access and download Rhode Island W-2 form PDFs for filing corrections or record-keeping purposes.

Free ResubmissionsFree Resubmissions

If your W-2 forms are rejected by the Rhode Island Department of Revenue, you can correct errors and resubmit them for free.

Create a TaxBandits account to start filing your Rhode Island W-2 returns!

How to File Rhode Island W-2 with TaxBandits?

Create your free account and follow these simple steps to effortlessly e-file Your W-2 is with the federal government and the state of Rhode Island!

  • Step 1: Choose Form W-2

    Select the type of W-2 form you want to file.

  • Step 2: Enter Form W-2 details

    Complete the form using manual entry or other bulk import options.

  • Step 3: Complete State Filing Information

    Provide the required Rhode Island state details for Form W-2.

  • Step 4: Choose Distribution Options

    Opt for our distribution services – Postal Mailing, Online Access, or BanditComplete.

  • Step 5: Review and Transmit

    Review your form and transmit it to the IRS and state agencies.

Start e-filing W-2 Forms with Rhode Island today—TaxBandits makes it quick and easy!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Rhode Island require W2 filing?

Yes, the Rhode Island Department of Revenue mandates the filing of the W2 Forms even if there is no state tax withholding.

Does Rhode Island have any additional requirements when you file W2 forms?

Yes. The state of Rhode Island requires additional forms to file along with Form W2.

Rhode Island has an additional Form RI-W3 (Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements) to be sent only if there is a state tax withholding. (When you E-File Form W2 Online with TaxBandits, you need to take care of the reconciliation Form RI-W3. Reconciliation Form RI-W3 only accepted by paper.)

What is Form RI-W3?

Form RI-W3 is an Annual Reconciliation used to report the total income taxes withheld from employees.

What is the due date to file W2 with Rhode Island?

The filing due date for both the Form W2 & Form RI-W3 with Rhode Island is January 31. (If the deadline falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the next weekday is the deadline.)

What are the requirements to file W2 electronically with Rhode Island?

The State of Rhode Island mandates filing electronically if you are submitting 25 or more W2s. Get started with TaxBandits for e-filing Form W-2 with the state.

Where do I mail Rhode Island W2 forms?

Mail your Form W2s along with Form RI-W3 to the following address.


RI Division of Taxation,
One Capitol Hill,
Providence,RI 02908.

If you’re looking for an IRS-certified e-file provider, check out TaxBandits! We support the e-filing of W-2 with the SSA and states.

Get started with TaxBandits today and stay compliant with the State of Rhode Island! Start Filing Now

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Rhode Island State Filing