There is another new requirement for business owners - 2024 BOI Reporting.

Our clients have had so many questions about this new requirement with FinCEN and understanding whether or not their business must file.

So, we’re bringing you a free webinar! Join your TaxBandits experts Christina and Tiffanie as they take a deep dive into this topic and address all of the most common questions they’ve been getting.

Together, they’ll cover:

  • What is Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI Reporting)?
  • How do you determine if your business needs to file?
  • What are the exemption codes?
  • What are the benefits of TaxBandits’ BOIR solution?
  • Can you update or amend an initial BOI report?

About Your Host:

Tiffanie Corder is your go-to expert when it comes to navigating the TaxBandits application for simplified filing! She is passionate about helping TaxBandits clients with businesses of all sizes simplify their e-filing process!

Christina Wright is your go-to expert for tax professionals, CPAs, and businesses filing a high volume of forms. With years of experience, she focuses on helping our clients streamline their workflow and maximize their filing efficiency.


2024 BOI Reporting: Navigating Requirements for Your Business

  • date Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
  • Time 2 PM EST
  • Host Host: Tiffanie Corder,
    Christina Wright